Monday, April 10, 2006

In the Media

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Making A Difference - One Bite At The Time
As I write my blog I enjoy the research and reading of stories that make a difference and how regular people take ordinary things and make something special out of them.This story began in California with Elizabeth Hamilton-Guarino and her husband Peter Guarino. Both have active lives balancing both successful corporate careers and family. In 2002 Elizabeth Hamilton Guarino who has a love for baking but also a severe allergy to nuts, decided to open a family specialty company, Tahoe Cookie Company, selling nut-free chocolate cookies. While making cookies might be a passion it is also clear to me that helping others in another important part of Guarino family legacy. Since 2002 over 65,000 cookies also have been donated to children and adults in support of their reading program "Be a Smart Cookie-Read.” A move to Maine in 2004 prompted the renaming of the business to the Maine Cookie Company. According to their website: “Everyone LOVES the cookies from the Maine Cookie Company. They are like no other: big, round, and fresh from the oven, Maine Cookie Company has sent cookies across America, baking dozens at a time for actors, actresses, bands and comedians.Elizabeth is a local celebrity herself! As a former Mrs. Maine United States in 2006, she was appointed Ambassador to Maine Reads by First Lady of Maine Karen Baldacci. Elizabeth has toured the country holding story times for children with her cookies in her on-going effort to promote the importance of literacy programs.”Now you know why they say success tastes so sweet! ~John~